FAQ: Tribe Communities

What are tribes on Snapzu?
Tribes are individual communities run by Snapzu members (such as bloggers, influencers, and everyday people) which host shared links, content, media and dis...
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:12 PM
Where can I see a list of the top tribes on Snapzu?
To check out Snapzu's most popular tribes, visit the tribe index area.
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:12 PM
What are some examples of niches, topics, or ideas that I can choose for my new tribe?
You obviously want to choose a tribe based on something that you have a passion in. We highly recommend you choose a niche/topic that is closely related to ...
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:13 PM
Is it important for me to choose a tribe topic/name that is related to my blog or website?
Absolutely. It will be much easier to target users that are already interested in the topic of your tribe.
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:13 PM
Can my audience (referrals) join additional tribes besides mine?
Yes of course, that's what Snapzu is all about! Likewise, other Snapzu members referred by other partners can also join your tribe(s) if interested, thu...
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:13 PM
What can be posted to tribes, and by whom?
Snapzu members have the ability to post all sorts of content like links, discussions, images, and videos into tribes. Submissions are then voted on by the e...
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:14 PM
The tribe name I really want is already taken. What should I do?
The Snapzu community as a whole has been around and growing for a few years now, so naturally a lot of popular topics and niches will already have an existi...
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:14 PM
The tribe name I really want is already taken but seems abandoned by the current chief. Can I claim it and take over?
Yes, this sort of thing happens, and we have rules in place because of it. If the current "chief" (owner) has not been active (no logins) for 3 mo...
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:15 PM
OK, I got my tribe. What now?
Great, now you can use the growth tools available in your tribe, such as the widget and RSS feeds, to help greatly enhance your blog while simultaneously gr...
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:16 PM
Can I link back to my blog/forum/website from my tribe?
Yes, we allow you to link back to your blog in the Rules/Etiquette/Info area on the side bar of your tribe. This may help existing Snapzu members find it if...
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 at 10:16 PM