FAQ: Activity Feed(s)

Frequent questions and answers that apply to the Snapzu platform member activity feed.

What is the activity feed?
Your activity feed is a private news feed of all actions made by you and the users you follow, including their new snaps, comments, submissions, pinups, and...
Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 at 11:46 PM
Where can I find my activity feed?
Your activity feed is available in your account homepage, accessible by the house icon on the right of the top navigation bar. This is the first page that y...
Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 at 11:46 PM
What is shown in the feed?
Activity in the feed includes snap submissions, comments, contributions, events, and saved items.
Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 at 11:46 PM
Can I customize my feed?
Yes of course. The feed was built to be fully customizable to filter out unwanted content. In the "Feed Preferences" area you can select to show o...
Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 at 11:47 PM